
Baby Books Make Great Gifts for Second and Third Kids in the Family

Posted by on May 30th 2014

Baby board books make great gifts for all of the kids in the family.You can never have too many books. In this transient world of constant change, books stay the same. The same classics that your mother read to you like " Good Night Moon" can be read to future generations.

When the birth of a second, third or fourth child is announced, family and friends assume that the new mother already has everything she needs. Of course, she can reuse the crib, stroller and major items but she certainly can use something new and special for the newborn. She may have enough blankets and onesies and even if they are soiled they can be bleached and washed. Even torn clothing can be restitched and reused. But try repairing a book.

Certain things can never be repaired and one of these important baby gift items that cannot be recycled are baby board books. How do you repair a damaged page or a torn pull down. Who wants to read a classic story to a baby from a book with a missing page or full of stains. Some of these books have become cherished keepsakes for older siblings who may not want to share their favorite book with the little intruder.

So when you think of what to buy the newest member of a large family, buy a board book. You can even write a special message on the inside cover with the date of the gift. When the child is older, he can reread his baby books and enjoy your inscription. Perhaps, your gift will become his favorite book and he will save it to read to his own children. 

Add a book for  big brother or sister.Giving a book to the older children is a wonderful way of making them feel special and helping them feel including in the celebration of a sibling's birth.